an elderly couple cuddling together outdoors and smiling

Couples Care in Nottingham


Support for couples who cherish home

At Support Care 24/7, we believe that love and companionship shouldn't fade with changing needs. Our couples care services are designed to support couples who wish to stay together, honouring their lifelong bond while providing the care they both deserve.

We prioritise fostering a supportive environment where the care recipients can continue enjoying cherished activities and deepening their emotional connection.


Help their relationship thrive into the twilight years with our specialist home care in Nottingham

To get started or to find out more, please get in touch with us at 07393 773114 or fill out our contact form to arrange a call back.

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What are the key features of our couples care services?

Synchronised Care Plans

We work collaboratively with primary caregivers and the couple themselves to develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses the unique needs of each partner. 

Coordinated Support

Our dedicated caregivers ensure that the couple receive seamless and synchronised care, minimising disruption and maximising comfort. 

Peace of Mind

In looking after both recipients simultaneously, we provide each half of the relationship with reassurance that their individual needs are being met and their individual wishes respected.